How To Work From Home In The Sims 4?

How To Work From Home In The Sims 4?

The Sims 4 has several careers that offer a "work from home" option. These careers allow your Sims to complete their work tasks remotely rather than going to a traditional workplace. Keep in mind that the availability of these careers may vary depending on the expansion packs and updates you have installed in your game. 

Choose a Compatible Career: First, select a career for your Sim that allows for work from home or flexible work hours. Some careers are better suited for this, such as the Freelancer career.

Set Your Sim's Schedule:
Once your Sim is in the chosen career, you can set their work schedule by clicking on the career panel and selecting "Work from Home" or "Choose Gigs" (for Freelancers). This will give you a list of tasks or assignments to complete from home.

Complete Tasks: Your Sim will need to complete tasks or assignments to progress in their career. These tasks vary depending on the chosen career. For example, a freelance writer might need to write articles or books, while a freelance programmer might need to debug code or develop software.

Meet Deadlines: Make sure your Sim completes their tasks before the deadline. This is important for earning a good reputation and advancing in their career.

Socialize and Network: While working from home, it's still essential for your Sim to socialize and network. Use your Sim's phone or computer to interact with clients, coworkers, or potential employers. Building relationships can help your Sim's career progress faster.

Upgrade Skills: To excel in a work-from-home career, your Sim should focus on improving relevant skills. For example, a painter should work on their painting skill, while a freelance writer should focus on their writing skill.

Advance in the Career:
Continue working, meeting deadlines, and building skills to advance in your Sim's career. As they progress, they may unlock new opportunities and earn more money.

Enjoy the Benefits: Working from home allows your Sim to have more flexibility and control over their schedule. You can also customize their home office to make it a comfortable and productive workspace.

Remember that the ability to work from home is limited to specific careers and expansions, so not all Sims can work remotely. The availability of these features may also vary based on the expansion packs and updates you have installed in your game.

Here are some careers that typically have a work-from-home option:

Freelancer: The Freelancer career is one of the primary work-from-home careers in The Sims 4. It includes various freelance options like writing, programming, and art. You can choose gigs and complete them from your Sim's home.

Tech Guru (eSport Gamer Branch):
 If your Sim reaches a high level in the Tech Guru career and chooses the eSport Gamer branch, they can work from home by playing video games and participating in gaming tournaments.

Writer: Sims in the Writer career can choose to work from home by writing novels, articles, or other written content on their computer.

Painter: Sims in the Painter career can paint and create artwork from home, allowing them to work remotely.

Critic (Food or Art Critic Branch): In the Critic career, you can select the Food or Art Critic branch, which offers opportunities for your Sim to work from home by writing reviews.

Social Media (Internet Personality Branch): In the Social Media career, choosing the Internet Personality branch enables your Sim to work from home by creating and posting content on the computer or a video station.

Entertainer (Musician Branch):
 The Musician branch of the Entertainer career allows your Sim to compose and perform music from home.

Astronaut (Space Ranger Branch): In the Astronaut career, the Space Ranger branch provides opportunities for your Sim to work from home by scanning the galaxy for collectibles.

Secret Agent (Diamond Agent Branch): The Diamond Agent branch of the Secret Agent career allows your Sim to work from home by analyzing clues and completing secret tasks.

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